////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section common to all game types ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// include common.txt include ffire.txt ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Killer specific section ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// variable killEnemySargeBonus 250 // in killer the black flag is an additional strategic item if startup1 then deploy bkflagbase, deploy blackflag1, setitemflag blackflag1 strategic 1, setitemflag blackflag1 stratsquare 1 // @1 = color killed, @2 = Capitalized color (e.g. "Green"), @3 = color of killer macro killed_sarge 3 { if killed @1sarge1 by @3 testvar isAlly @3 @1 = 0 and hasitem @3sarge1 blackflag1 = 1 then showmessage "@2 sarge killed by killer @3", trigger @3KilledEnemySarge } // @1 = color, @2 = Capitalized color (e.g. "Green"), @3-5 are other colors macro killer_macro 5 { // in killer the enemy sarges should be shown on the stratmap if startup1 testvar iscoloringame @1 > 0 then setitemflag @1sarge1 strategic 1 // check for the @1 sarge being killed and who killed them expand killed_sarge ( @1 "@2" @3 ) expand killed_sarge ( @1 "@2" @4 ) expand killed_sarge ( @1 "@2" @5 ) // killer scoring events if @1KilledEnemySarge then addvar @1score killEnemySargeBonus, playsound "mp_death.wav" (0,0) 1 2, trigger check@1wins // check the flag being picked up so we can show a message and make a sound if pickedup blackflag1 by @1sarge1 then showmessage "@2 is the killer", playsound "mp_gotflag.wav" (0,0) 3 1, addscoresymbol @1 flag if dropped blackflag1 by @1sarge1 then removescoresymbol @1 flag } expand killer_macro ( green "Green" tan blue grey ) expand killer_macro ( tan "Tan" green blue grey ) expand killer_macro ( blue "Blue" green tan grey ) expand killer_macro ( grey "Grey" green tan blue ) // if flag is dropped and not picked up for 2 minutes then return it to it's base variable flagTimeOutVar 0 variable flagLastTimeOutVar 1 if dropped blackflag1 then triggerdelay 120000 flagCheckTimeOut if pickedup blackflag1 then addvar flagTimeOutVar 1 if flagCheckTimeOut testvar flagTimeOutVar = flagLastTimeOutVar then showmessage "Black Flag was dropped and not picked up for 2 minutes - moved to base", createexplosion blackflag1 128 0 green, playsound "mp_rebaseflag.wav" 0 1, moveitem blackflag1 bkflagbase, triggerdelay 1000 flagLastTimeOutIncr if flagCheckTimeOut testvar flagTimeOutVar <> flagLastTimeOutVar then triggerdelay 1000 flagLastTimeOutIncr if flagLastTimeOutIncr then addvar flagLastTimeOutVar 1